Friday, March 6, 2009

Crazy, Busy Week

Well, I am so glad that this week is over! I have worked lots this week. It may not seem like much to some people, but when you only work 8 hours a week and suddenly you are working 20 or more, it's tiring....I'm exhausted.

But.....Bob and I are going to Fairmont to the cabin for a few days on Monday and I can hardly wait. It will be heavenly to just read and relax and spend time together. I'm feeling totally exhausted and ready to fall apart so the break will be just what I need.

I am missing my kids. We don't see much of any of them anymore. As they become adults they have their own lives and that is a good thing. But I still miss them. Of course, Courtney is a long way away.....and it's not like we can just call and set a date for lunch. I really miss her. Courtney brings such fun to our home. She's a fun lovin' kind of girl and she brings much laughter to our home. We really know when she's not here!!! It's much quieter!!!!

I miss you Court! I love you.

God bless you on your journey and keep up the good work.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Slipping Through My Fingers

Well...where to start. I am new to this blogging thing. I tried about 3 years ago and failed miserably, but have decided to try again.

When deciding what to title my blog, I thought of how life is just going by so quickly and I thought of Mama Mia. My favorite part and song of that movie is Slipping Through My Fingers. It reminds me of my children and how quickly they have grown into wonderful adults. Hard to believe that they are all adults now. When the youngest moved to the west coast to attend Bible College and live in community with the homeless, I realized how quickly time had flown. I have so much to be proud of in my 4 children. I think of all the things that I had planned and wanted to do with my family and then other things came up and those opportunities were missed. Don't get me wrong. We had many wonderful times together. Like our trip to Ontario with all 4 of them in a 12 passenger van pulling our tent trailer. On that trip, we had 8 flat tires, the water cooler went on the van, the key wore out in the ignition, we lost a wheel off the trailer on the Interstate, the cables broke on the van!!!! But did we ever have fun! Do you kids remember that trip?!!! How about the time we went camping in our 1st tent trailer and got rear ended and totaled the trailer. We didn't do much camping after that. It seems like your Dad decided staying in Hotels was a better idea.
We have many happy memories of our Camp. Three of our kids worked at camp for several summers. Bob and I met at camp and now have been married 30 years this October. Wow!!!
Christmas memories are wonderful too. When the boys were really young we would go to Grandma and Grandpa's but as they grew a little older Bob wanted to stay home, so Grandma and Grandpa started coming to us. And Nana and Papa too. Now, we have a future daughter-in-love and we share Christmas with her too.
Life is busy. Life is wonderful. But life goes by quickly and before you know it, another year has passed. I want to make sure that life does not slip through my fingers.